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jian yong造句

"jian yong"是什么意思  
  • Jian Yong was known for being an excellent debater and speaker.
  • However, only Jian Yong returned home alone later that day.
  • Liu Bei's treatment of Yi Ji was second to that of Jian Yong, Sun Qian and others.
  • Such was Jian Yong's wit.
  • Liu Bei's treatment towards Sun Qian was second to that of Mi Zhu, but equal to that of Jian Yong and others.
  • "' Jian Yong "'( birth and death dates unknown ), courtesy name "'Xianhe "', was an official serving under the warlord Liu Bei in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.
  • When Jian Yong and Liu Bei was inspecting the land, they saw a couple walking past, and Jian said to his lord, " They're planning to commit an indecent act.
  • After occupying Yi Province and setting up his new base in Chengdu, Liu Bei promoted Jian Yong to the position of " General of Illustrious Virtue " (-f?_  \ 蛶 ).
  • Bread factory worker Tan said that Cheau Yin had left her Taman Overseas Union Garden home in Jalan Klang Lama with her younger brother Jian Yong, 11, in the morning that day to go to a book store.
  • Jian Yong served Liu Bei for at least 30 years and after the conquest of lands of Shu was given a high rank next to Zhuge Liang, Mi Zhu, and Sun Qian but is thought to have died shortly after.
  • It's difficult to see jian yong in a sentence. 用jian yong造句挺难的
  • Why not arrest them ? " Liu Bei asked, " How do you know ? " Jian Yong replied, " They're equipped with the tools to do so, just as the owners of brewing utensils have the tools to brew alcoholic drinks . " Liu Bei laughed and pardoned the families who owned brewing utensils.
  • In 211, when Liu Bei entered Yi Province ( covering present-day Sichuan and Chongqing ) under the pretext of helping its governor war broke out between Liu Bei and Liu Zhang, and Liu Bei had gained the upper hand against his rival and had besieged Yi Province's capital Chengdu, Jian Yong was sent to persuade Liu Zhang to give up resistance.
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